Thursday 7 July 2011

Time Dilation 
If two identical, synchronised clocks are placed 
side by side they will read the same time for as 
long as they both remain side by side. 
However if one of the clocks is moving, it will show 
that less time has elapsed (i.e. time has slowed 
down) than the stationary clock. 
This effect is called time dilation. 
It has been confirmed by experiment. 
Two highly accurate atomic clocks were 
synchronised. One was placed in a jet aircraft and 
the other in a laboratory on Earth. After the jet 
returned (having travelled at 1000 km/hr), the 
travelling clock was a tiny fraction of a second 
behind the Earth clock. 
Proof – A Thought Experiment: 
Within a truck moving with velocity v, a light pulse is transmitted, reflected by a 
mirror and received! 

Truck's frame of reference i.e. observed within the truck, the light pulse travels a 
distance of 2L in time t0. 
Earth's frame of reference i.e. observed outside the truck, the light pulse travels 
Light travels a longer distance but at the same speed longer time taken t t0. 
t0 = 2L/c 
 L = ct0/2 
t = 2x/c
 x = ct/2 
Using x2 = L2 + (vt/2) 2 sub for t and t0 

t - relativistic time i.e. measured in a frame of reference moving relative to object. 
t0 - rest time i.e. measured in the same frame as (at rest with) the object. 
Relativity factor:

As vc, tt0. 
Time dilation is significant at relativistic speeds i.e. v 
c, γ ∞ i.e. t ∞. 
Actual Experiment - Muon Decay Experiment 
Muons are produced in the upper layers of the Earth’s atmosphere. 
They travel close to the speed of light (99% c). 
But they have very short life-times i.e. a half-life of 2 
Classically, very few muons would be expected to reach the Earth’s surface; 
most would have decayed by that time. 
But with time dilation, the half-life of muons increase (time slows down!). 
Measure count rates of muons at top and bottom of a mountain. 
For an observer on the ground, a higher than expected count rate is measured – 
fewer have decayed because of the longer half-life. 
Worked Example 
Muons travel at 0.99c. 
Muons should take 
t = s/v = 6000 / (0.99 × 3 × 108) = 20 
μs  to reach Earth’s surface. 
They have a half-life of 2 
So (20 
μs / 2 μs =) 10 half-lives should occur in this time. 
Expect 1/210 muons to reach Earth’s surface. 
If 1000 muons are detected in the upper layers of 
the Earth’s atmosphere then  expect: 
1 muon to be detected at the Earth’s 
With time dilation, the half-life increases to 
t = 
γ t0 = × 2 μs = 7.09 × 2 μs = 14 μs 
So (20 
μs / 14 μs =) 1.4 half-lives occur. 
Observe 1/21.4 muons to reach Earth’s surface. 
380 muons are detected at the Earth’s 
A higher than expected count rate is detected!

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