Thursday 7 July 2011

My understanding of special realtivity

Special Theory of Relativity I 
Frame of Reference 
It is a set of axes that defines the position of any point in space at any instant of 
The frame can be at rest or moving at a constant velocity or accelerating. 
An inertial frame is a non-accelerated frame of reference. 
Newtonian Relativity 
Two observers who are moving relative to each other will disagree about their 
measurements of velocity. 
Absolute motion cannot be determined. 
Motion is always measured relative to a frame of reference e.g. Earth's frame. 
The laws of motion are the same in any inertial frame of reference. 
But not the laws of electromagnetism e.g. the speed of light is different in different 
inertial frames of reference. 

Einstein's Relativity 
There are two postulates (suggestions). 
First: all the laws of physics are the same in any inertial frame of reference. 
Second: hence the speed of light is the same in any inertial frame of reference. 
This theory predicts that two observers who are moving relative to each other will 
disagree about their measurements of time and distance. 
Absolute time and distance cannot be measured; only relative time/distance.

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